Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Comment #1

#TheDailySpin: Urban Outfitters accused of mocking the Irish

Why do we care what Mike Seaver aka Kirk Cameron has to say about sin? He comes off as a bit of a lunatic . If he was relevant now, if he was an icon we cared about, then it might be somewhat interesting for a day or so but really? Newsflash- Someone we used to enjoy on a show that was slightly okay, is now, a bigot. Who cares?


  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xSSDeesUUsU&feature=relmfu

    this is Louis CK talking about Twitter.
    The man has a good point. "If Jesus comes back , no one will listen they'll just be tweeting about Jesus trending and not listening to what he has to say."
    I worry that we are not living in the moment. It happens even with taking pictures instead of just enjoying your children. People just keep posing them for photographs instead of letting them play.I wonder if our kids are going to grow up and be pissed that they weren't on our blogs enough. I'm the third child so I already have the whole complaint about how many photo albums there are of my sister's first day of school and then my other sister had less photos but some, and I have like one picture with Santa ( that was clearly my uncle.)
    Are the kids born in 2009 and 2010 going to be all How come you never tweeted about my first tooth but Benjamin got a whole blog entry when he said Mama?

  2. http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2012/04/09/ashley-judd-slaps-media-in-the-face-for-speculation-over-her-puffy-appearance.html

    Go Ashley Judd!
    Such a thoughtful article. It's not just blaming and attacking but asking the question. Why are we all talking about her face? There are several reasons why. The media tell us this is what we want them to talk about it and we tell the media , the only reason we talk about it is because they are talking about it and look at me, Now I'm posting about it. I hope the more we talk about the actors and their performances and the comedians an their comedy, and the writers and their writing we can stop commenting on their faces and bodies. Let's pretend it's lent and stop taking about bodies and appearances just for a while and see how it goes. Positive and negative. Sofia Vergaros makes me laugh on Modern Family. Done.

  3. Wow! How is Walmart not on the worst list? Obviously they are doing something right in terms of PR because if you study them as a business they are terrible to their staff, their merchandise is crap, their environmental record is disgusting and they destroy communities. So good job Walmart on the PR!

    1. http://www.prdaily.com/Main/Articles/11334.aspx
      in response to this

  4. Thanks Carol. I also have some concerns about lead in lipstick. Since The Body Shop was taken over, I asked the clerk there and she swore up and down there was no lead in the lipstick but now I'm skeptical again. What about MAC? did they have a chemical list?
    Where can we find lipstick made out of apple cider vinegar and avocado?

    1. http://attemptsatsubstance.blogspot.ca/ (carol's blog)
